Все публикации

How the Industrial Revolution Changed Everything!

From Newton to Now: How the Scientific Revolution Shaped Engineering

From Ancient Gears to Future Innovations: The Evolution of Mechanical Engineering #mechanical

Gauge Design in Metrology: Theory plus Numerical

Surface Roughness Symbols II Metrology II Surface Roughness Representation

Talysurf Roughness Tester II Metrology II Tailor - Hobson Talysurf Roughness Tester

Sine Bar: Set-up and Actual Measurements II Angular Measurements II Sine Bar

Slip Gauges: Explanation with actual measurement examples II Metrology II Linear Measurements

Micrometers: Least Count and Actual Measurement II How to read Micrometer

Lecture 08: Surface Texture II Surface Roughness & Waviness I Roughness Parameters I Ra, Ry, Rz, RMS

Vernier Calipers: Least Count and Actual Measurements II How to Read Vernier Caliper

Lecture 04_ Errors in Measurements I Types of Errors I Gross, Systematic and Random Errors

Lecture 02: Measurement Standards II Types of Standards II Metrology

Lecture 01: Basics of Metrology II Repeatability, Reproducibility, Calibration: Fundamental Concepts

Numerical 03: To find out IC Engine Performance Parameters

Numerical 01_ I C Engine Testing and Performance II Brake Power, Mechanical Efficiency etc.

IC Engine Performance Parameters II Engine Efficiency II Engine Power II Fuel Consumption

Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) II Distributor System II Electronic Fuel Injection

Chassis Frame: Loads, Materials Used and Types II Conventional, Integral & Semi-Integral

Air Injection System II Individual Pump Injection System II CI Engine II Diesel Engine Injection

Chassis: Components, Functions and Types II Complete Information

Bus Body Details II Bus Body Styles