Все публикации

Goodbye.. for now 😔 - part 2

Goodbye.. For now 😔

Are Platinum Players DUMB? 😳

NEACE's Opinion On PLAT Players 😳

BEST Advice For Gold & Platinum 🤫

NEACE REACTS to his MOST watched video 😳 - part 8

How To ACTUALLY Carry in League 🤯

This is THE KEY to CLIMB

NEACE REACTS to his MOST watched video 😳 - part 6

How To Properly DIVE in League 😳

How NOT To Lose as a TOP Laner

Use THIS Strategy To CLIMB 📈

NEACE REACTS to his MOST watched video 😳 - part 3

Why Does IRON even EXIST? 😡

Champions To CLIMB Out Of LOW Elo

THIS might be the REASON you're in BRONZE

If you relate with this problem, watch this.. 😨

DON'T be a spaghetti laner 🙅‍♂️

NEACE Didn't Know How To HELP This Student 😨 - part 4

NEACE Didn't Know How To HELP This Student 😨

League is like a handshake.. 🤝

Student Bought Coaching WITH 0 Games 💀

This Student Practiced a Korean Strategy (gone wrong) 😳

I showed this student a SECRET Korean strat 🤫