Все публикации

Demoulding a recycled tray made from gold and purple bottle lids

The little shredder I use to shred plastic waste for recycling

Saving bottle lids from landfill and recycling them into new products

Moulding purple and gold shredded bottle lids to make recycled pots

Recycling plastic waste into homewares

Demolding a recycled homeware

Shredding a bag of pink bottle lids for recycling

Problem Primate Owner: Scams, Shams and a Monkey in a Van (Thabo and Ray)

Recreating marble homewares with gold and white bottle lids

Shredding a bag of white bottle lids for recycling

My first attempts at recycling plastic waste into a line of homewares

Creating plant pots out of some rare bottle lids

Making frilled bowls out of plastic waste

The moulds I use for recycled plastic injection moulding

Making plant pots out of gold coke bottle lids

The Problem with Exotic Pet Exploitation on TikTok: Kyle Thomas

Making recycled pendants from plastic waste

How I make recycled trays out of bottle lids

Recycling plastic waste into grey and gold marble

Recycling plastic waste can be super unpredictable

Recycling plastic waste into homewares

I made a mistake while recycling

Micro-recycling in my garage

How I made homewares out of bottle lids