Все публикации

aristotle style secret ballot voting with two urns

William Schultz Princeton History Lecturer on The Freedom School

Michael Ignatieff Open Society and Its New Enemies, January 17, 2017

Leon Billings & Tom Jorling 2014 interview on 1970 Clean Air Act - Benefits of Closed Door Sessions

David King Interview 2019 Not Edited Pitfalls of Congressional Transparency

The Myth of Legalized Bribery & any other form of Bribery (in Congress)

Howard Zinn 1996 - Failure to Quit - Reflections of an Optimistic Historian - Radio Free Maine

Howard Zinn 1996 - Beyond electoral politics - Toward Social Change

writing and website pages august 2020 inequality police brubery etc

Senator Frank Murkowski 1996 - On the Weaponization of the Amendment Process

CRS Scholar Walter J. Oleszek tactfully discusses how transparency drives partisan warfare 1999

Scholar Stephen Frantzich - Transparency Drives Partisanship 1999

Academic Douglas Harris 1999 on Problems with Transparency

Representative Tony Beilenson 1999 - How Lobbyists Hound Members for Every Vote

Senate Majority Leader: Howard Baker 1992 - On the Advantages of Executive Session & Secrecy

Electronic Voting Machines (Installed in the House of Representatives 1973)

Aristotle’s secret ballot voting machine for legislatures

Unrig 2019 - What's Wrong With A Little Transparency? - James D'Angelo, Larry Lessig

The Overlooked Constitutional Right To Secrecy - How Transparency In Congress Makes our Lives Worse

Video of the web page – The Seven Deadly Myths of Transparency

The Problem of Intimidation via Government Transparency – Q&A with University of Florida Law

voting≠accountability paper

citations video

Inside Independence Hall the room where they wrote the Constitution 1