Все публикации

Transforming Long Island City: A Decade in the Making @infraday #UrbanTransformation #longislandcity

Revolutionizing Urban Air Mobility with Electric Helicopters @infraday #sustainableaviation

Transforming Penn Station Elevating Customer Experience @infraday #PennStationTransformation

Revolutionizing Station Design for Seamless Travel @infraday #SeamlessTravel #SmartStations

The Evolution of Connectivity @infraday #ConnectivityEvolution #smartinfrastructure

AI Driven Scheduling Revolution @infraday #ConstructionTechnology #AIinScheduling

The Real Impact of AI in Construction @infraday #AIinConstruction #SmartBuilding

The Importance of Planning in Construction Projects @infraday #ConstructionPlanning

Evolving the Port Authority Embrace Change @infraday #PortInnovation #SustainableTrade

Public Agencies vs Technology - A Struggle for Modernization #Modernization #PublicSector

Interview: Greg Kelly, CEO, STV w/ Rick Cotton, ED, PANYNJ ‪@infraday

Energy Resilience: What is it? How do we value it? @infraday

Oracle's Contributions to the Northeast Marketplace w/ Dan Johnson of Oracle @infraday

Revolutionizing Public Infrastructure: The Impact of AI and Machine Learning @infraday

Empowering Connectivity: Infrastructure Innovations along the Northeast Corridor @infraday

Enhancing Project Delivery in Infrastructure: Efficiency, Innovation, and Collaboration @infraday

Building the Future: Working with Amtrak on the Northeast Corridor @infraday

Successes and Challenges Building Tech-Driven Transportation Infrastructure @infraday

AI and Capital Program Management – present realities and future visions @infraday

Delivering Results for America Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law @infraday

Infrastructure for Changing Climate: Strategies and Innovations by Public Agencies @infraday

Advancing Light Rail Developments in the Northeast Corridor @infraday

Overcoming the Battle of Data Ownership in Capital Projects @infraday

Resilience Design & Delivery in Train Yard and Maintenance Shop @infraday