Все публикации

G2 takes over Cloud9 to qualify to the Major!

Into the Breach reaction on qualify on Major after winning B8

GamerLegion reaction qualify on Major

B8 reaction winning MOUZ on RMR Group A

B8 win reaction against MOUZ

FaZe new jersey for 2023

m0nesy and HooXi 2v5 clutch

Cloud9 won 2-0 against G2

Cloud9 won 2-0 against G2

m0nesy quad kill

m0nesy sick play (4 kills)

insani ACE

HooXi gigachad

insani - ACE vs fnatic

NAF 2017

G2 lifts the trophy

G2 lifts the trophy

ELIGE crazy 4 kills

m0nesy 4 kills with glock

stavn 2 smoke kills VAC

Team Liquid with huge comeback from losing 2-13 to overtime

apEX EZ 3k against Liquid

s1mple with the GOAT play to win 3v5

NaVi with forcebuy destroys Outsiders