Все публикации

Frigidaire Front Loader Shock Absorber Replacement

Circular Motion 2: Position, Velocity, and Acceleration as a Function of Time

Describing Circular Motion with Theta

Work and Energy, How Do They relate?

Direction of the Resistive Force on a Wire Moving in a Magnetic Field

Showing and Explaining Induction Part 2 Lenz' Law

Showing and Explaining Induction Part 1

Surface Friction Lab

Elevator Demos and Explanation of Normal Force

Normal Force in the Elevator

Magnetism Lab 1

Linear Relationship of V inside a Parallel Plate Capacitor

Rope, Pulley, Scale Problem

Tension in Ropes

Using Center of Mass Lab

Proving Center of Mass Lab

Capacitor Lab 3: Capacitors in Steady State

Linearly Moving Objects can have Angular Momentum

Capacitor Lab 2: Capacitors in Combination

Lab: Proving the Conditions for Static Equilibrium

Proving Moment Arm

Circuit Lab 6 AP EMF and Terminal Voltage

Circuit Lab 5 Power in Circuits

Simple Torque Demos