Все публикации

6.34. Formation of Mountain Ranges on Earth | Plate Tectonics Explained

6.31. Expansion of Oceanic Plates | Insights from Plate Tectonic Theory

6.28. Seismic Events Resulting from Plate Movements | Plate Tectonics Explained

6.25. Collision of Plates and Resulting Geological Structures | Plate Tectonic Theory

6.26. Geomorphological Structures Caused by Plate Movements | Plate Tectonics

6.23. Origin and Evolution of Ocean Floor | Insights from Plate Tectonic Theory

6.12. Formation of Oceanic Mountain Ranges According to Plate Tectonic Theory

6.15. Collision of Oceanic and Continental Plates | Results Explained

6.13. Causes of Plate Movement According to Plate Tectonic Theory

6.14. Expansion of Oceanic Plates According to Plate Tectonic Theory

6.19. Geological Structure of Earth According to Plate Tectonic Theory

6.18. Oceanic Basalts and Magnetic Polarization | Insights from Plate Tectonic Theory

6.10. Relationship Between Plate Tectonic Theory and Sea Floor Spreading

6.6. Oceanic Plates vs. Continental Plates | Key Differences Explained

6.4. Types of Plate Boundaries and Their Characteristics | An In-Depth Study

6.5. Major Phenomena Caused by Plate Movements on Earth | An Analysis

6.3. Earth's Internal Structure According to Plate Tectonic Theory

6.1. Introduction to Plate Tectonic Theory | Evolution and Development

5.99 Ocean Floor Expansion | Continental Drift vs Sea Floor Spreading

5.87 Oceanic Trenches | Comparative Analysis of Theories

5.90 Development of Ocean Floor | Continental Drift vs Sea Floor Spreading

5.97 Oceanic Basalt and Magnetic Polarity Shift | Comparative Analysis

5.83 Oceanic Basalt and Magnetic Polarity Shift | Continental Drift vs Sea Floor Spreading

5.80 Geological Effects of Ocean Floor | Continental Drift vs Sea Floor Spreading