Все публикации

Combine multiple Excel files using custom M functions

Combine multiple Excel files using PowerQuery

PowerQuery M code explanation (for Excel newcomers)

Row Context DAX vs PowerQuery M Language

Dynamic Coalesce in Power Query ( Record.SelectFields() )

Rename first N columns in Power Query

Reverse fill down (Unfill) in Power Query

How to find if your product/event falls inside of a promotion period with Power Query

Select column to filter upon based on text input or position (Power Query Record.Field function)

Optimizing Pivot operation in Power Query

Top 5 easy to implement Power Query tricks

Writeback Planner - Log data changes and comments

Writeback Planner - Teams

Writeback Planner - Licensing requirements

Writeback Planner - Change values

Writeback Planner - Add and delete rows

Writeback Planner - General overview

Each syntax in PowerQuery explained | Extracting maximum value from a Text delimited column

How to add a dynamic run-rate calculation in DAX (PowerBI)

How to process multiple folders with a single Power Query script

Dynamically expand table column in Power Query (advanced)

Dynamically expand table column in Power Query

How to sort Power BI matrix created with calculation groups

How to access global environment objects in Power Query