Все публикации

Python Production Deployment | Devops | VPC & Components Explained | PART- 4

Python Django Production Deployment | Devops | Terraform & Bastion Host Setup | PART- 3

Python Production Ready Devops | | PART - 2 IAM for AWS ECS | Gunicorn Docker & Django

Python Django Production Deployment | Devops | Terraform | AWS ECS | Jenkins | Architecture

Apache #kafka | Basics of Stream | #docker Setup | Producer Consumer in #python | #datascience

AWS Cognito | The Authentication Service | Creating User Pool with Cognito | Cognito with Python

Django, Docker & Docker Compose | Simplest Explanation | Docker & Database integration with Django

Django and Jenkins Integration | CI-CD Pipeline for Django Project | Python with CI/CD Pipeline

Detail View in Django | Class Based Views | Django Detail View

Class Based Views | ListView in Django | FBV vs CBV | Everything you need to know about ListView

Template Inheritance in Django | Template Extending in Django | Django Template

Update View in Django | Adding namespaced URL in template | ModelForm in Django

Django Model Form | Django Create-View | Function based View | Django Forms

Adding SlugField In Django 4 | Unique slug generator | Django Signals

RAM Model of Computation | Algorithm analysis | Time Complexity of Algorithms

What is an algorithm || Characteristics of the algorithms || Robot tour problem

Categorization of Data Structures || part 2 || Data Structure using C

Why Data Structure || part 1|| Data Structure using C

Part 4 : KNOX Token Authentication with phone number and OTP based system

Django Rest Framework | Full Authentication with phone and OTP | Part - 3

Running Django-Channels and Websockets in Production | Setup Daphne and Supervisor

Django Rest Framework | Full Custom User Authentication with phone and OTP | Part - 2

Django Rest Framework Custom user model for React Native API's

Django Deployment Part 2 - Integration of Django with AWS S3 Bucket-Storage to serve static files.