Все публикации

Highchart Bar Chart | Angular bar chart

Line and Area chart | Highchart area & line chart | in angular

Play YouTube video in modal pop up | angular play video inside lightbox

Password confirm validation | strength validation | special characters (regex) validation in angular

Encrypt & Decrypt local storage data

Separate admin and client area in angular | separate admin and the front web in angular

Upload multiple images in Django | Django photo album | Django image gallery

Right content push navbar | Responsive Design

Dropdown menu | Dropdown menu with submenu using HTML CSS and Bootstrap | Responsive Design

hamburger menu with HTML and CSS only | Responsive Design

Active on tab menu navigation bar

Mobile friendly responsive navbar with html and CSS

How to make shrink navbar on scroll using bootstrap | Sticky Navbar | Responsive Design

Overlay fade in fade out navigation bar | Responsive Design | HTML CSS Navbar

Smooth parallax scrolling using parallax js | HTML CSS Bootstrap | Responsive designs

Embed video in django | Embed YouTube video in django | How to embed video in django

Dynamic image slider in django | Django carousel

Image slider with text animation | Bootstrap carousel | image slider HMTL CSS