Все публикации

CS16B Lecture 37 - Designing 61B

CS61B - Spring 2023 - Lecture 35 - Radix Sorts

CS61b Spring 2023 - Lec 31 - Sorting 3: Quicksort, Quick Select, Stability

CS61B 2023 Lec 30 - Sorting II: Quicksort

CS61B 2023 Lec 29 - Sorting I: Basic Sorts

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 8 - A Peek Inside the Java HashSet

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 7 - Don't Mutate Objects in a HashSet

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 6 - Mutable vs. Immutable Types

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 4 - HashSet Contains

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 5 - Duplicate Items (equals and hashcode)

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 1 - Hash Table Recap, Default Hash Function

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 3 - Why Bother With Custom Hash Functions?

CS61B - Hashing 2 - Video 2 - Distribution by Other Hash Functions (and ChatGPT)

Lecture 2023

[Disjoint Sets, Video 5] - Weighted Quick Union with Path Compression and Summary

CS61B 2023, Lec 12 Announcements

CS61B 2023, Lec 12 ArraySet and Setting the Stage

CS61B Lecture 10 - Midterm Review (and town hall announcement)

Project 1B Getting Started Video

[Inheritance2] - Spring 2023 Announcements

[Inheritance 2, Video 4b] - java.util.Stack

[Inheritance, Video 4A] - The Object Class

Testing - Bonus Video on Testing Philosohpy

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