Все публикации

With Reinforcement Learning using a CNN with StableBaselines3 train RL Agent to play RiverRaid atari

How to train a Convolutional Neural Network to detect Breast Cancer using Tensorflow

How to do Hospital Patient Segmentation using KMode to avoid encoding categorical data and visualize

Reinforcement Learning tutorial with Atari Game Break Out using stablebaslines3 and CNN for training

With NLP detect languages, find keywords, etc in the Ukrainian description of words data from Kaggle

Predict child's height using Adaboost, RandomForrest, and LinearRegression with Polynomial Features

How to cluster the Tale of Two Temple dataset with the True K using KMeans, matplotlib, and numpy

With KMeans and CV2 do Image processing and Segmentation, 3-D scatter plot any image with the true k

XGBoost and tdif vectorizer build a Sentiment Classifier with 94% f1 score and hypertune parameters

Build a Cyber Security ML Model with Mitre dataset and hypertune the parameters of a Decision Tree

Using the Nist risk assessment dataset build an very accurate regression cyber security ML model

Using the Nist Control Mappings Dataset build an very accurate multiclass Cyber Security ML model

Using Reinforcement Learning set a policy for a poker game in Openspeil rl framework and analyze

Using Tensorflow build a Fashion Products collaberative filtering recommendation system from Kaggle

How to do webscrape, text extraction, and visualize with pytextrank, NLTK, beautifulsoup, matplotlib

With Reinforcement Learning and a cnn train a RL agent to play Cooperative Pong with PettingZoo

Using this dataset build an Naive Bayes ML Leukemia Multiclass Classifier and more with explanations

Using DeepQ Learning and OpenAI gym train an RL Agent to play the game Cliff Walker

Using DeepQ Learning and OpenAI Gym train a RL Agent to play Frozen Lake and record the game

Using any sales data build a timeseries to forecast sales but in this case ebay sales data

Build a Machine Learning model to predict the difference from Democrat and Republicans tweets

Using Machine Learning Build an accurate Cyber Security Classification Model using this Dataset

How to webscrape, cluster using KMeans algorithm, and extract keywords with LDA on Hindustan Times

Using Polynomial Features improve an linear regression model on the medical cost dataset from kaggle