Все публикации

2073 IN 60 SEC

Bada$$ Women In Scifi Part 1

Spock's First Name

Can Troi Catch Garak In A Lie?

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 14: Baryon Sweeps & Voyager

Is DISC Canon? Let's Talk Canon

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 12: Android Picard and Eugenics

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 11: Sarcophagus Ships

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Live Action Version

Star Trek Crossovers You Didn't Know About

Reintegration, Temporal Agents, Travelers and Gallifrey

My Thoughts On: Lwaxana Troi

Bubble Boy 2001 In 60 SEC

Starship Registry History

Romulan And Klingon Alliance

BSHM Awards: Winston Zeddemore Of Ghostbusters

Dirty Angels IN 60 SEC

ST:DISC Finally Where It Belongs

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 9: Elim, Bashir, Luke and Vader

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 8: Super Punch

The Case For Cheron

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 7: Alien Nation

Inconsisti-Trek EPS 6: Vulcan, Gorn and Andorian Families

Before You Watch Werewolves; 3 Classic Werewolf Flicks