Все публикации

Learning + accents is WAY better 🔥

What is #photography really?

What is a #camera ?

What is a #camera #shutter ?

#JPEG #vs #RAW #photos

What is a #camera #lens #filter ?

What does #iso mean?

What is #film ?

What is a #camera #lens exactly?

When You Need A BRIGHT Light - ZHIYUN CX100

1 Light = ALL you need

Just LOOK at your #lighting

#flash vs #constant #lights

Why Use Flash?

#DSLR #vs #Mirrorless #Cameras

SLR vs DSLR vs Mirrorless

#Editing #Victor the #Cat

Basic Photo Editing with Ivan

How to MAKE a camera

How a Camera WORKS

#Aussie #breakfast #photography

Good Food Photography, the easy way

Learn product photo backlighting with my friend Adam Lambert from Pretoria.

Easy Back-Lighting Product Photos at Home (with Adam Lambert)