Все публикации

[Ep 3] Shots of hope - Edward Jenner

What can contaminate 🤮 #food 🥩🥪🍔?

What is “One Health” 1️⃣👫🐄🌳

What is #antimicrobialresistance (AMR) 💊🦠🚫????

#birdflu 🦆 😷 - What do the 🔢 numbers mean???

[Ep 2] The Saviour of Mothers - Ignaz Semmelweis [Public Health Influencers]

[Ep1 ] The battle with Cholera - John Snow [Public Health Influencers]

Avian Influenza - an introduction

An overview of the levels of disease prevention.

What is Monkeypox? | A quick overview

Food safety 101 - The journey of food safety from farm to table

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Stopping the rise of superbugs!

Sensitivity and Specificity simplified

Introduction to Non-Communicable Diseases- a global killer

Health Economic Evaluation Basics - Putting a price tag on health -

A quick and simple explanation ofsome terms used during the COVID-19 outbreak

Risk and How to use a Risk Matrix

A Guide to Outbreak Investigation

What Makes Us Healthy? Understanding the Social Determinants of Health

What is Public Health??

An Introduction to Surveillance - The Eyes and Ears of Public Health

Epidemiological Studies: A Beginners guide

Health Promotion and the Ottawa Charter - Creating Healthier Populations:

The basics of controlling infectious diseases