Все публикации

Golden Dragon

Satisfying Space Filling Curves: 1D Becoming 2D

Turning Math Into Art With Amazing Fractals

Turning Math Into Art With Beautiful Fractals

Top 3 Pythagorean Theorem Visualizations

Visualizing the Cube of a Binomial

Visual Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem | 2

Visual Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem | 1

Visual Proof for the Square and the Cube of a Binomial

Visualizing the Square of a Binomial

Visual Proof for the Sum of the First n Cubes

The Sum of The First n Natural Numbers

Estimating Pi With Monte Carlo Simulation

Hilarious New Proof for the Sum of the First n Squares

Visual Proof for the Sum of the First n Natural Numbers

Finding an Impossible Integral With Simulation

Law of Large Numbers - A Visual Intuition

Finding Pi Through Simulation