Все публикации

Stoke's Theorem

Vector Surface Integrals

Scalar Surface Integrals

Finding a Potential Function for a Vector Field

Vector Line Integrals

Scalar Line Integrals

Finding the formula for a Vector Field

Center of Mass and Moments

Triple Integrals

Double Integrals using Polar Coordinates

Double Integrals over General Regions

Maximum Directional Derivatives and The Gradient

Applying the Generalized Chain Rule

Partial Derivatives

Continuity for a Function of Two Variables

Motion Vectors in Space

Unit Tangent Vectors

Analyzing a Vector Valued Function

Finding the Equation of a Plane

Finding a Vector Projection

Finding the Equation of a Sphere - given information about the sphere.

Find the Resultant Vector - Adding two vectors in the plane in a context.

Solving Polynomial Equations Methodology

Calculating Probabilities for a Sampling Distribution (Proportion)