Все публикации

Introduction to Data Storytelling with Excel - pre course information

Introduction to Data and Digital Innovation Pre-course Info

PDA WiDDIs Precourse

Navigation and publishing

Power BI for Managers #4

Power BI for Managers #3

Advanced Tooltips in Power BI

PBI Managers #2

PBI for Managers #1

File Sharing in Teams

Meta Skills Overview

Ist Dashboard idea?

Introduction to Power BI College Completion Rates #5

Fly with Power BI

AI Channel Intro

Excel Power Query - The Chase - Certificated Course

Introduction to Power BI - College Completion Rates #4

Excel for Power BI #2

Excel for Power BI #1

Excel Zero to Excel Hero - Certificated Course

Introduction to Power BI College Completion Rates #3

Introduction to Power BI College Completion Rates #2

Introduction to Power BI College Completion Rates #1

Data Science A brief journey of 300,000 years