Все публикации

This family saved a duck egg and took it home to raise #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man rescued an injured meerkat and adopted it #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man adopted three baby raccoons that got lost from their mother, and then #animalshorts

This man rescued an injured pigeon and adopted it #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man rescued an opossum from danger and brought it to a warm home #animalshorts

These kind people rescued an injured swan on the road and then #animalshorts #shortvideo

This girl rescued an abandoned calf and raised it with love #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man rescued an injured squirrel and brought it to a loving home #animalshorts

Poor baby sea lion #animalshorts #shortvideo #animalsrescuer

These kind people rescued a baby deer, the heartwarming story behind it #animalshorts

From a rescued egg, the girl nurtured it until the little bird was born #animalshorts

This man adopted a motherless baby barn owl, and then #animalshorts #shortvideo

This woman rescued an abandoned disabled cat, and then... #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man rescued a bird from heatstroke and then released it back into the wild #animalshorts

This man adopted a depressed dog, and then this happened #animalshorts #shortvideo

The injured otter was rescued thanks to the kindness of strangers #animalshorts #shortvideo

An abandoned egg was picked up by a woman, and then this happened #animalshorts #shortvideo

This woman rescued a newborn bird and then this happened #animalshorts #shortvideo

This man rescued a baby raccoon that had lost its mother on the road and then #animalshorts

This man rescued an injured fox cub with a wounded leg and then #animalshorts #shortvideo

This couple rescued an owl that was suffering from heatstroke and then #animalshorts

This family rescued a hedgehog stuck in a fence, and then this happened #animalshorts

This family rescued a nest of baby squirrels who lost their mother and then #animalshorts

This man rescued a poor raccoon and gave it a loving home #animalshorts #shortvideo