Все публикации

Do Spacecraft Need Different ICs?!

Next-Gen Vehicle Tech | EVs, Self-Driving Cars, Impact to Grid!

The Future of Vehicle Technology! | SELF DRIVING CARS?

What Is Power Density?

Was It All Worth It?

Fundacion Espacial

Wearing a Real Spacesuit

Femininity in Engineering

How Do Hydrogen Fuel Tanks Work?

What are Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?

What is a fuse?

Tips from a 4.0 student

What are OpAmps?

What Is a Power Supply? | BEGINNER

How To Use an Oscilloscope | BEGINNER

I WENT TO SPACE! All thanks to Space for Humanity!

Reaction: Telling my mom I’m going to Space! I’ve been selected by Space for Humanity!

I am going to Space! I’ve been selected as Space for Humanity’s first Citizen Astronaut!

Day in my life as a NASA Engineer


Engineering can be really frustrating…

Why did I choose Electrical Engineering?

Reasons why I LOVE being an Engineer

Day In My Life as a NASA Engineer