Все публикации

Why did Palpatine fear Jedi with Yellow lightsabers? - Explained

What are the origins of the Chiss Species?

The FIRST EVER rebel attack on the Death Star

Why was Chopper considered to be a War Criminal

Who was the mad scientist that FOUND OUT Darth Sidious's Identity

Why did Ki Adi Mundi destroy his PURPLE lightsaber

Why did Palpatine want Vader to try to OVERTHROW him?

What if Qui-Gon Jinn trained Anakin.

Who was Plo Koon's WOOKIE Jedi Master?

Why Do Mandalorians DIE Wearing Beskar Armor?

Why did the Jedi Masters HATE Anakin’s jedi robes?

Where does Starkiller get his name from?

Why did Yoda use a cane?

Who was the most HATED Jedi?

What is the story of the Clone Commander Bly?

Who were the members of the Separatist Council?

Why didn't the jedi sense Palpatine?

Count Dooku - LORE Compilation (Shorts)

What was Yoda's BIGGEST Secret

Who was the longest living clone trooper?

Every Stormtrooper type - Explained

Why were Droidekas so deadly?

Where did the Millennium Falcon get its name from?

What happened to the Jedi temple after Order 66