Все публикации

Tennis LED Scoreboard with WiFi control

Χρονόμετρο LED για ΚΙΝΟ - ΟΠΑΠ

Operating Rousis Systems Scoreboard with a button box.

2 Digits Timer in Countdown Mode

LED Counter Display in Connection with Open Collector Sensor

Λειτουργία διψήφιου χρονομέτρου LED 12 V

Assembling a LED Timer Display

LED DRL Sequential Turn Signal

Traffic Lights RGB LED Countdown Timer

Swimming LED Clock Timer

LED Display Clock Timer with milliseconds

People counter LED display

LEd Timer with Coin Acceptor

Testing traffic countdown RGB LED timer

Πινακίδα LED Μετρητής Ατόμων

Fast Queue Ticket Printer

ROUSIS Opening LED Sign Frame

LED Clock-Timer with console

Queue Ticket Dispenser

Synchronized Swimming LED Clocks

Sychronized LED Clocks

LED Displays production in Rousis Systems LTD

Embedded LED Display Clock - Stopwach

Demonstration of LED stopwatch timer with buttons