Все публикации

B.Sc 3rd Semester Physics 31 Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

Power Of Education🥰 #bedkdian #motivation #shorts

B.Sc 1st Semester Physics 30 Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

Stereochemistry!B.Sc 1st Semester Chemistry Mahaclass Day-8!Be DKDian

B.Sc 5th Semester Zoology 2nd Paper 15 Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

Benzene!Structure!Kekule's Structure!Aromatic Sextet Theory!Be DKDian

Structure Of Hemoglobin & Myoglobin!B.Sc 5th Semester Chemistry!Be DKDian

B.Sc 1st Semester Chemistry 25 Important Short Questions!Be DKDian

B.Sc 1st Semester Chemistry 5 Important Short Questions!Be DKDian

B.Sc 3rd Semester Zoology 15 Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

SSC Teacher's!Be DKDian😍 #bedkdian #shorts

B.Sc 3rd Semester Physics 15 Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

B.Sc 5th Semester Zoology 1st Paper Most Important Questions!Be DKDian

Markovnikov's Rule!Kharasch Effect!Peroxide Effect!Anti Markovnikov's Rule!Be DKDian

Aromaticity!Huckel's Rule!B.Sc 5th Semester Chemistry!Be DKDian