Все публикации

AP Stats (TPSu6e) 02.1 percentiles and z-scores

AP Stats (TPSU6e) 01.3 Quant.Data part2

AP Stats (TPSU6e) 01.3 Quant.Data part1

AP Stats (TPSU6e) 01.1 Mosaic Plots

AP Stats (TPSU6e) 01.1 Categorical Data

AP Stats 11.2 (TPSU6e) Sign.Tests for Diff.Means PartB

AP Stats 11.2 (TPSU6e) Sign.Tests for Diff.Means PartA

10.2 (TPSU6e) Comparing Two Means Paired Data

10.2 (TPSU6e) Conf.Int.Diff.in Means

08.3 (TPSU6e) Conf.Int.Diff.Prop

09.3-2 (TPSU6e) Sig.Test.forDiff.Prop.CED

09.3-1 (TPSU6e) Sig.Test.forDiff.Prop.CED

09.3 (TPSU6e) Day 2

09.3 (TPSU6e) Day 1

Geom 9-7 Dilations

Geom 9.3 Rotations

Geom 9.2 Translations

Geom 9-1 Reflections

03.3 (TPSU6e) Transforming to Achieve Linearity

Geom 01.3 Measuring Angles

Geom 01.2 Measuring Segments

Geom 01.1 Points, Lines, Planes

Geom 10.4 Perimeter and Area in the Coordinate Plane

Geom 10.3 Composite Figures