Все публикации

ASM 2021 Phage and IBD

ABACBS Presentation 2020

Why does paired end sequencing help assembly?

illumina paired end sequencing

454 pyrosequencing

Oxford Nanopore ONT Sequencing

Sanger sequencing

Pacific Biosciences Sequencing

What does it mean to sequence a genome?

Ion Torrent Sequencing

Introduction to Illumina Sequencing

Genome Peek

Introduction to k-mers

Introduction on counting k-mers

Counting k-mers with Bloom filters

Bloom Filters

k-mer algorithms: Compare and Swap

Counting Quotient Filters

Count Min Sketch

CheckM for Genome Consistency

BLAST 9 E values

BLAST 8 Probability

BLAST 7 scoring gaps

BLAST 10 Algorithms