Все публикации

AWS CodeDeploy | Pipeline | Setup | Deploy application on EC2 using GitHub as source

AWS CodeDeploy | Pipeline | Setup | Deploy application on EC2 using S3 as source

AWS lambda layers | Add Python libraries in AWS Layers

AWS Read CSV file data from S3 via Lambda function and insert into MySQL

AWS Read CSV file data from S3 via Lambda function and put into DynamoDB

AWS SQS + Lambda | Setup | Integration | Trigger Lambda via SQS

AWS Send SMS to mobile using SNS (Simple Notification Service)

AWS API Gateway | Setup GET & POST APIs to fetch EC2 instances and stop EC2 instances

AWS SNS + Lambda function integration | Setup + Demo

AWS S3 Event Notifications | Setup to Notify SNS Topics through Email

AWS Route53 | create custom domains | Access EC2 web app using custom domain

AWS Lambda function | Copy files from one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket as soon as uploaded

AWS Lambda function | Delete files from S3 as soon as uploaded

AWS Athena + Glue + S3 | Setup | Operations

AWS DynamoDB | Setup | Insert data | Fetch data

AWS Virtual Private Cloud | Private + Public Subnet Setup & Configuration

AWS Elasticcache Memcached | Setup & Configuration

AWS Elasticcache Redis | Setup & Configuration

AWS Classic load balancer | Setup | Configuration

AWS Rational Database service - Aurora | Setup & Configure Aurora DB & Clusters

AWS Rational Database service - PostgreSQL | Setup & Configure PostgreSQL

AWS Rational Database service - MySQL | Setup & Configure MYSQL

AWS Network load balancer | Setup | Configuration

AWS Auto scaling | Setup + Configuration