Все публикации

Interactive Image Analysis of ERK Signaling in MCF10A Cells: Napari Workflow Tutorial

Real-time control of cell migration using an optogenetic FGFR receptor #science #biology

Tracking and optogenetic activation of cell-population

Real-time image segmentation of cells

Human stem cells on a disc

Interactive data visualisation for stem cell colonies

MCF10A on circular micropattern

ARCOS napari plugin demo

ERK pulses in stage 2 wild-type versus PIK3CA H1047R acini.

Collective ERK waves in a stage 2 MCF10A acinus

Realtime control of single MCF10A cells using optogenetics

Measuring ERK activity in MCF10A epithelial cells

Emergent properties across domains

ERK activity triggered by apoptotic events in MDCK cells

ERK-KTR analysis in 3D MCF10A spheroids

Custom LED matrix for optogenetics

ERK activity wave triggered by epithelial cell extrusion

Computer Vision pipeline for ERK-KTR image analysis

Digital module device (DMD) crafts Pertz lab logo on living cells

Time Course Inspector Basics