Все публикации

Imaqtpie Vayne Pentakill

CLG Aphromoo save from ace in the hole NA LCS

Katarina 1v5 smart pentakill

Wombo Combo on Korean Challenger game

SKT T1 Faker Le Blanc Sick Teamfighting

SKT T1 Faker Le Blanc God

Madlife gets MakNooN

Jin Air GBM Karthus Support Quadrakill

xPeke jukes entire C9 team IEM Katowice 2014

Fnatic sOAZ refuses to get killed , great Shyvana play IEM 2014 WC fnatic vs KTB

Bronze 5 backdoor tactics

SKT T1 Faker Le Blanc mechanics , Korean soloq.

C9 Hai needs some grog!

Best Lee Sin Mechanics Ever

Hai goes for Teemo!

Bronze V Thresh Plays

Bronze V Fights 1

Bronze V : Episode 1

NaJin White Shield Ggoong Baron Steal on Gragas

Samsung Ozone imp sick flash dodge on Sivir

Diamond 1 Katarina Pentakill