Все публикации

Activation functions in Neural Networks. relu, softmax ,sigmod, binary step function.

A Deep Dive into Convolutional Neural Networks. What goes inside a CNN? Why CNN is so powerful?

Drawing shapes over image using opencv. rectangle, line, polygon, circle, filled area using open cv.

Revolutionizing Traffic Management: YOLO & deepsort, for Multi-Lane Highway Vehicle Counting.

Unlocking Python's Efficiency with the Walrus Operator (:=). Walrus operator in python 3.8.

ARKIT flower demo. Using scenekit and Raycasting for ARKIT flowers.

YOLO Object Detection & Tracking: Generating Heatmaps Tutorial . Using Ultralytics for Heatmap.

Object Tracking and Counting with DeepSORT and YOLO. Utilising deep sort and YOLO with opencv.

Object detection using opencv and YOLO on video. Python object detection and opencv application.

counting cattle in video. Apply computer vision for counting of cattle in video

Object Tracking and Counting using deep sort and yolo.

Object detection in YOLOv8. Using YOLOv8 for quick object detection on image and video.

Exploring Python Collections: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries.

Mastering Loops in Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners. Use for loops, while loops easily.

Mastering Python Lambda Functions: A Quick Guide for Beginners

How to use *args and **Kwargs in python? ||arguments and keyword arguments ||

openCv code for webcam access. Python code for webcam access. #opencv

Realtime emotion transfer to Avatar.


| image manipulation | openCV | mediapipe | pose detection| video analysis |

YOLOv3 and YOLOV5 output comparisions

AR in Education. #drawing #machinelearningmodel #ai #arkit #augmentedreality

Yolo in action. Computer vision at its best. #coding #ai #yolo #machinelearning

yolo for birds tracking.