Все публикации

A Brief Tour of the Night Sky - Mnemonics, Myths, and Mysteries

0.400 kg hanging mass

0.500 kg hanging mass

0.300 kg hanging mass

0.600 kg hanging mass

0.800 kg hanging mass

0.700 kg hanging mass

0.900 kg hanging mass

1.000 kg hanging mass

Problem: Terminal Velocity

Determine the Speed of Sound using Resonance

20 06 Ampere's Law with planar symmetry

The Amazing Dr. Amos Lev

19.12 Magnetic Domains

Isaac Smith the Man Not The Myth

12.04 Transverse vs Longitudinal Waves

24.05 Convection

13.5 Linearization Example Problem

13.4 Linearization Pitfalls and Summary

13.3 Finding g and more from Linearization of Pendulum Data

13.2 Introduction to Linearization

13.1 Mathematical Relationships in Physics

Mathematical Relationships In Physics

2.08 Atwood Machine (Hanging Masses and Pulley Problem) NEW