Все публикации

Espresso and Electronics - 10X Better Bug Detection with SimAI

Spectre Language Command

What Is Logic Equivalence Checking in VLSI Design

Espresso and Electronics – Quick Sips of EDA Wisdom

Cadence Subsystem IP for PCIe 6.0 and CXL 3.0

Cadence Showcases World's First 128GT/s PCIe 7.0 IP Over Optics

Cadence Demonstration of Time-of-Flight Decoding on the Tensilica Vision Q7 DSP

Mastering the Basics Essential Editing Tips for an OrCAD X Capture Project

How to run the online and Batch Design Rule Checks DRCs in OrCAD X Capture Schematic

What is Hierarchical Design and How to Synchronize a Hierarchical Block in OrCAD X Capture Schematic

Different Techniques for Connecting Wires in the OrCAD X Capture Schematic

How to Modify DesignTrue DFM Templates and Add DFM Values to the Constraint Manager

How to Identify Missing Soldermask and Pastemask in Padstacks using Allegro X DesignTrue DFM

The more you know, the faster you go. Accelerated Learning

Cadence Raises the LGBTQIA+ Pride Flag!

What is Digital Verification

Hierarchy in EM Extraction in Cadence AWR Microwave Office

How to Setup Symbol Representation and Control the Visibility of Symbols in 3D Canvas

How to Crossprobe and Highlight Between PCB Editor and 3D Canvas

embedded world 2024: Using Low-Power DSPs for In-Cabin Sensing

Quantus I-DSPF Output Demo Series: Episode 3 (In-Context Probing)

Viewing Spectre Documentation in Doc Assistant


At speed testing with OPCG Solution