Все публикации

Salmon Run - Michael's Bay, Manitoulin Island

Practical Homeopathy Lecture 1

Monotropa uniflora - Ghost Pipe

The Hidden History of Homeopathy

An Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine

Huni Kuin - Ayahuasca

Gondang Ensemble - Music of the Batak Toba people of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia

John Zerzan & Victor Cirone - Green Anarchy, Medicine and the Technological Society

The Thymus Gland and Your Immune System - COVID-19

Colin Fisher & Victor Cirone. January 26th 2019. London, Ontario.

Colin Fisher & Victor Cirone. January 11th 2019. Second Set. The Tranzac, Toronto.

Colin Fisher & Victor Cirone. January 11th 2019. Tranzac.