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The best marriages

Don’t give up

A strong couple keeps lines of communication open

A lasting marriage

For us, divorce isn’t an option. We made a vow to each other, and we intend to keep it.

When your marriage is strong, it gives your children a model to follow and is an example of uncondit

Remember to show your spouse appreciation and affection

Let your spouse know

“Empathetic listening is an awesome medication for the hurting heart.”

A strong marriage has a foundation of friendship and mutual respect.

Never pass up a chance to say “I love you”

It’s never too late to build a stronger marriage.

Each day is an opportunity to do something kind for your spouse

What’s something you love about your spouse?

Let your marriage...

Love is also...

It's not too...

A husband should...

Pursue your spouse...

A lasting marriage...

A happy marriage...

A great marriage...

Marriage is a...

Never settle and...