Все публикации

It’s the little things that matter…

Why did he do this right now? #automobile

No way she just DID this to ME!💀

Most PEACEFUL Moments in Human History

The Last Great Hot Hatch - RAW Ford Fiesta ST Drive

That one detailing FRIEND that always does THIS!

How a Date Went Horribly Wrong (Attempted Robbery)

Why you should be FRIENDLY most of the time!

Girl Almost Leaves Without Gift; Reaction Is Priceless

Heartwarming Moments in the Trucking Community

What Happens When You Run Into Your BOSS on the Street? #funny

Road So Bad It Should Be Illegal

I would BUY this car just for this ONE feature that it has⚡️ #automobile

CAR TRENDS: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Porsche in the Woods - Is It Worth The Hype?

Is Porsche Really the Ultimate Photography Car? #automobile

I Tried the Car That’s Better than Tesla

The Roads in This Country are Absolutely Hilarious 🤦🏽‍♂️

Lamborghini Driver Stops For Photo - Then This Happens

You should try this SECRET photography angle trick📸 #automobile #photography

He ALMOST got AWAY before I could deliver the pictures to him💀

I OFFERED Porsche €5 for a Porsche Turbo S 🚀 #automobile

My FRIEND stopped his car so I could DELIVER a suprise! 📸 #automobile

Watch how my MOOD changed INSTANTLY when I did this! 💀