Все публикации

Limits: Preview Quiz 1.2 Intro Video, Math 220

Absolute Max and Min on Closed Interval with Parameter

Chain Rule

Product and Quotient Rules introduced

Dropped ball and its velocity

Derivative of sine proof

MAT 220 intro Calculus



WA 4 3 hints

Desmos examples

Math 151 Intro (Fall 2021)

My 3 favorite books so far in 2021

SAT Math Most Common Questions, worked out (video4)

SAT Math Most Common Questions, worked out (video3)

SAT Math Most Common Questions, worked out (video2)

SAT Math: Most Common Questions, worked out (video1)

WA 2 4 and 8 1 hints

Math 151 Intro (Spring 2021)

College Algebra Lecture 1.4: Functions Represented by Graphs

Linear Algebra Lecture 5.3: Diagonalization of Matrices

Linear Algebra Lecture 4.8: Kernel, Range and the Rank/Nullity Theorem

Gram-Schmidt in 60 seconds: Linear Algebra

College Algebra Lecture 2.4 and 8.1: Solving Systems of Equations and Matrices