Все публикации

GoT 5x03 Opening Credits

The House Of Black And White End Credits

Drogon Balcony Scene

Jon Snow Elected Lord Commander

Night’s Watch Candidates

Selyse Baratheon: “You have no idea what people will do. All your books, and you still don’t know.”

Cersei’s Small Council

Game Of Thrones Dwarf Head

Varys And Tyrion Riding In A Carriage

Doran Martell: “… we do not mutilate little girls for vengeance.”

Bronn And Lollys Stokeworth

Brienne And Podrick Arrive At The Inn

GoT 5x02 Opening Credits

The Wars To Come End Credits

Mance Rayder: “The freedom to make my own mistakes was all I ever wanted.”

Mance Rayder: “The first time we met you were my prisoner, and now….”

Hizdahr zo Loraq Asks Daenerys To Reopen The Fighting Pits

Margaery *May* Be Stuck With Cersei Lannister

The Return Of Lancel And Kevan Lannister

Stannis Baratheon At The Wall

Jon Snow Meets The Red Woman

Missandei And Grey Worm Talk

The Children End Credits

Varys Leaves King’s Landing