Все публикации

#deled2ndsemester #practicetest #topic curriculum pedagogy and evaluation #2025 #exam

#2025 #practiceset #deled #2nd year #topic socio philosophical perspectives of education

#ignou #mcs-012 computer organisation and assembly language program #practicetest #bcastudents

#ignou #mcs-011 problem solving and programming #practicetest #bcastudents

#ignou #mcs-021 data and file structure #practicetest #bcastudents

#lessonplan #8classchapter #topic force and pressure (force series)

#lessonplan #8classchapter #topic force and pressure(pressure series)#deledstudymeterial

#lessonplan #8classchapter #topic physical and chemical changes #deled

#lessonplan #class7th #socialscience #topic devotional paths to divine #deled students

#lessonplan #topic life in ganga ,brahamputra basin , livelihood #class7 sst

#lessonplan #topic the tropical and subtropical region --Amazon basin climate and rainforest class 7

#lessonplan #topic letter writing #class8 #english #deled

#lessonplan #sceince #topic getting to know plants (parts and classification)#class8 #deled student

#lessonplan #science #class8 #topic modes of reproduction #deled students

#lessonplan #science #topic female and male reproductive organ #8class

#lessonplan #science #class8 #topic reproduction in animal #deled students

#socialscience #lessonplan #topic waves,tides,ocean currents #class8

#lessonplan #topic-water #class8sciences #newpattern #deled #2ndyear

#short time notes #deled 2nd year #school leadership and management

#shorttimenotes#deled 2nd year #socio-philosophical perspectives of education

#ignou #bhdc105#questionpaper #practicepaper

#ignou #bhdc 184#questionpaper #practicepaper

#dpse #preschool education curriculum: principles and priorities #practicepaper #firstyearexam

#dpse #ecce (early childhood care and education in India #practicepaper #firstyearexam