Все публикации

Sinodiconul Ortodoxiei 2023-Anatemele împotriva ereziilor si ereticilor

The Sunday of Orthodoxy 2023 - The Anathemas against heresies and heretics

Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας 2023 - Αναθέματα

Duminica Ortodoxiei 2023 - Anatemele impotriva ereziilor si ereticilor

Conferinta cu dl. Iannis Kotsampasis 20 ian 2019

Αναθέματα την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας 2018 στο Ι. Ν. Εισοδίων Θεοτόκου Πειραιάς

Conferinta despre intreruperea pomenirii

Why the Bulgarian and Georgian Church did not go to the 'Holy and Great Synod' from Crete?