Все публикации

Boltzmann's Entropy and the Direction of Time


Time in Relativity

13. Chaos: Universality

12. Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: Lyapunov Exponents

10. Chaos: Plotting of the Logistic Map

05. Singular Points (Fixed Points) of trajectories.

03. Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations.

5.09 Helium Atom

5.08 Spins and Statistics

5.07 Symmetry of Wave Functions

5.06 Identical Particles

5.03 Conservation of Energy and Angular Momentum.

5.02 Translational Invariance and Momentum Conservation

5.01 Symmetry and Conservation Laws.

2.17 Coherent States

2.16 Harmonic Oscillator -Time Development of the Oscillator.

2.15 Harmonic Oscillator Part 2. Wave functions, Uncertainties, Matrix Elements.

1.39 Gaussian Wave Packets

2.08 Correlation Amplitude and the Energy - Time Uncertainty Relation.

11. Harmonic Oscillator and Classical Ideal Gas using Canonical Ensemble.

10. Thermodynamics from Canonical Ensemble

2.14 Harmonic Oscillator Part 1. Energy Eigenvalues and Eigenkets

2.12 Ehrenfest's theorem.