Все публикации

Integral of 7^x

tan^2(x) + 1 = sec^2(x) Prove Trig Identity

Integral from 1 to infinity of 1/[(x+a)sqrt(x-1)]

Integral of 1/(x^2 + a^2)

Integral of 1/(x^2 + 1)

How to Calculate Time to Reach $100,000 from $70,250 with a 4% Annual Raise

How to Find Regular Polygon Sides from Exterior Angle

abs(x-y) = abs(y-x) are they equal?

Prove Every Function Can Be Written as the Sum of an Even and Odd Function

Integral of sqrt(sinx)/[sqrt(sinx)+sqrt(cosx)] from 0 to pi/2

Evaluating cos(pi/2 - x)

Evaluating sin(pi/2 - x)

How to Convert Litres to Cubic Inches

Integral of x/(x^2+1) dx

How to Square Complex Numbers

What is the complex conjugate of i

Solving for 2 Unknown Components in 3 Collinear 3D Points

Find a Vector with a Specified Magnitude and Parallel to a Given Vector

Why is a Parabola's Vertex at x = -b/2a

How to Find the Area Bounded by Two Curves

Derivative of cos(x)/sin(x)

How to integrate cos(x)/[1-sin(x)]

What Number When Multiplied by Itself and Doubled Results in 128

How to Calculate nCr by Hand