Все публикации

Lightning Talk: Proxy Generic Functions

Lightning Talk: Tracking dynamic variables

Lightning Talk: Browsing Documentation Live with PAX

Lightning Talk: Lisp and Python Working Together

Lightning Talk: The ELS2024 Logo Explained

Lightning Talk: Proof of Concept: Coroutines in SBCL

Lightning Talk: Valtan: Write Webapp Everything in Common Lisp

Lightning Talk: Please Decline (Thanks) -- not handling conditions (part 2)

py4cl2-cffi: Using CPython's C API to Call Python Callables from Common Lisp

Bias is a bug; but not as we know it!

Period Information Extraction: A DSL Solution to a Domain Problem

Qlot, a Project-Local Library Installer

Adaptive Hashing

Lightning Talk: Give Me Money

The Quickref Cohort

Lightning Talk: Functional railroad diagrams

Murmel and JMurmel

Lightning Talk: Framebuffers

Lightning Talk: Latest from GNU Emacs

Lightning Talk: Reading Inside Out

Grants4Companies: The Common Lisp PoC

Lightning Talk: Lem on the Cloud

Lightning Talk: whereiseveryone.command-line-args

The Need for Symbolic AI Programming Languages in the Public Sector