Все публикации

I don't care what they tell you in school... The horrible truth about Cleopatra

Johnny Depp was screaming at Amber Heard

Amber Heard's Warface

Amadeus Mozart's greatest masterpiece

Will Smith slaps the ring and saves the Middle-Earth

Encanto but Osvaldo bullies Mirabel for 10 minutes

Cinderella wasn't 12 years old...

Thanos is going to Hogwarts

Spider-Man Asks For Help From a Strange Wizard

Cute goat trying to jump on donkey's back 🤗

Doctor Octopus is a savage

Bully Maguire loves Gandalf

FINALLY CONFIRMED! Bully Maguire, Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield have an announcement for you

Do You Want to Build a Snowman, Tobey Maguire?

You're not Peter Parker, you're Harry Potter


I'm something of a Peter Parker myself

There is Tobey Maguire in the new SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME trailer

When you're making cereal but there is no milk

Youtube dislikes are inevitable. Oh wait...

I don't know if she saved or ruined Monsters, Inc

Lurch shows you what his cold, dead hands are capable of

Snotty Boy Glow Up Meme (Harry Potter Edition)
