Все публикации

White Jesus Take over Tiktok Trend And Black people Are Believing this

Africans leaders Panic as More Pan-Africanists Flock to Burkinafaso meeting Ibrahim Traore

Asian People Shares why they Have Negative Views Towards Black People #blackamericans

White Proffesor Expose Why Africa will Remain Poor Claim they Are the real Problem Of Africa

Big win For Ibrahim Traore As Jacob Zuma show Support for African Unity Agenda

This Professor Gave a Speech That left White People Upset

Ruto Worried as Kenyans Flood the Nation with Ibrahim Traore’s Images | National Impact Explained'

MAGA Suppoters Panic After Trump unveil US New Policies 'its terrifying'#maga

White people Share How they feel About Black People | Must watch

Asian American Begged Black people To Forgive them told Asians & Latinos They have same Oppresser

White professor Claim Black People Are going into Second Slavery | Must watch

'Ruto's Stand Challenging Ibrahim Traoré’s Leadership and Africa's Future

White-passing teens Expose White people By Telling Their Big Secret About Racism

Ibrahim Traore Get more support from African diaspora and Jamaicans Tells them to come back home

Being White is Awesome: Honest Perspectives from White People'

'Explosive'John mahama Joining Ibrahim Traore A shocker to the West

Ibrahim Traore has send A tough warning to Kenya's president Ruto that shakes the entire Africa

'Black Woman Admits She Was Once Racist, But Changed After a White Person's Kindness'

Ghana Pastor said this About IBRAHIM TRAORE and shocked Everyone

Dr George Fraser Advise to Black Americans,what they need to do.

Fearless Paul Kagame Show Support for Ibrahim Traoré and Sahel Coups: A Bold Political Statement

Is Christianity Racist? A Candid Discussion Between a White Pastor and a Black Pastor

Dominican Lady Says her people don't identify As Black in US To Avoid Treatment Blacks Receive

Ghanians Angry At Ibrahim Traore for doing this/ the West are not happy