Все публикации

Creativity - Is there a dark side?

Building Communities Through Creativity

(Mis)Understanding - How do we understand the words 'creativity' and 'imagination'?

Symbolic Rationality: Mediating divergent perspectives with creativity

Creating a Meaningful Life and/or Living Inside a Stereotype

Think Creatively

Limitless Day 2

Limitless Day 1

Are You Listening?

Inbetweenity, Complexity and Reimagining the Future Feb 2022

Engage Imagination, Engage Emotion: The Role of Feeling

What is so creative about collaboration? Hosts: Mary Blatherwick & John Guiney Yallop

Seeking Growth in Times of Darkness Host: Jessica Sokolowski

Are You Having and Aesthetic Moment? Host: Michael Wilson

Regroup: A Creativity Check-in Hosts: Alexis Milligan & Stan Baines

Play * Free * Improvisation

Exploring the Interrelationships among Diversity, Equity and Creativity

Reimagining Cultures of Learning in an Age of Complexity

Exploring how the story-form shapes our professional lives Host: Gillian Judson

Challenging the One Right Answer Hosts: Mary Blatherwick & Alexis Milligan