Все публикации


Print Page Setup -Ms Excel

And , OR Function Ms Excel

If function ( Fonction SI)-Ms Excel

Nested if Function-Ms Excel

DATE function part2-Ms Excel

DATE Function PART 1-Ms Excel

Match Function-Ms Excel

Hyperlink to sheet-Ms Excel

Hyperlink to File - Ms Excel

Protect Worksheet-Ms Excel

Text functions - Ms Excel

how to Protect File And Workbook? - Ms Excel

reference Absolue, relative, Mixte - Ms Excel

quelques fonctions en excel

Copy and Filling-Ms Excel

formating in excel

formule de base, PEMDAS - Excel

Operateurs de comparaison-Ms Excel

Speak cells-Ms Excel

text to columns-Ms Excel

create your own tab in Excel

How to hide and freeze line and column in Excel

Working with Worksheets