Все публикации

Super hearing on your phone #android #samsung #samsunggalaxy #androiphone

Mi Turbo Charge #xiaomi #miturbocharge #android #turbocharge

Κόλπο για το κινητό σου να πηγαίνει τούρμπο. Fast speed on mobile phone. #android #speed #xiaomi

This is crazy resistor explosion!!

crazy capacitor explosion

Usb killer on laptop CAUTION!! This is dangerous

Unlock any iPad

unlocking any iPhone with usb

Matrix on termux #termux #hacks #matrix

How does DC motor works

fantastic fingerprint sensor with Arduino uno

Childhood memories. #dcmotor #memories #motor

the best digital Inverter circuit. #inverter #digital #best #how

Ξεκλείδωμα Samsung - unlock Samsung phone

Electronic circuit

Electronic construction with led

Simple yet effective way to clean your iPhone speakers #repair #cleanspeaker #iphone #easy

How to change the screen on an iPhone. #replacementscreen #iphone #replacescreen #how #best

Windows logo and sounds #windows #history #nostalgia #allwindows #windows95

Cmd telnet animation

Hack telnet cmd

CMD HACK TRICKS. #cmd #pctrick #fun #pctips #code #tricks

How to look like a hacker #hacker #pc #cmd #dir/s

mindblowing ultrasonic led strip control with Arduino