Все публикации

telling my wife “I figured out why I’m so small down there” #shorts

telling my wife fake baby names I want for our kids #shorts

Are We Trying for a Baby?

my husband is reading one of my favorite books #shorts

do we regret getting married so young? #shorts

asking my American wife if she wants to “snog” #shorts

can you watch my husband #shorts

calling my husband bro #shorts

flirting with my husband #shorts

my wife has been smiling at her book… #shorts

using a pickup line on my wife while she’s working #shorts

my British husband tries bagel bites for the first time #shorts

making an appointment with a British accent in front of my British husband #shorts

my husband finished reading one of my books #shorts

asking my wife if she got funny bunny or bubble bath nails #shorts

asking my husband why he married me (while I’m ✨nakey✨) #shorts

signing the British national anthem in front of my British husband #shorts

kissing my wife randomly to see what she does #shorts

opening the car door for my husband #shorts

wearing gray sweatpants in front of my wife #shorts

my wife started crying over a book character at dinner #shorts

my British husband tries “animal style” fries at In N Out #shorts

my British husband visits Erewhon for the first time #shorts

my wife loves gas station snacks #shorts