Все публикации

Nernst equation, EMF of cell class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

Amine , chemical properties of amine class 12 chemistry notes

'Amine' , method of preparation of amine class 12 chemistry notes

formic acid , acetic acid class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Carboxylic acid' chemical properties class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Carboxylic acid' class 12 chemistry notes 'method of preparation of carboxylic acid' #viral

'Uses of benzaldehyde' class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Benzaldehyde'and chemical properties class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Aldehyde and ketone' physical and chemical properties class 12 #viral @studyforliving

'Self induction and mutual induction' class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

'Mutual induction and it's coefficient' class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

Self induction, self inductance class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

Lenz law , Faraday law unit 4 class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

Ammeter, voltameter and conversion of galvanometer class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

'Galvanometer' class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

Biot savart law , oersted experiment class 12 physics notes #viral @studyforliving

'Bar magnet and current carrying solenoid' in moving charges and magnetism class 12 physics notes

Method of preparation of aldehyde

'Ether' uses and chemical properties class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Chemical properties of phenol' class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Ether' method of preparation and physical properties class 12 chemistry notes #viral

'Phenol' physical and chemical properties class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

'Phenol' method of preparation class 12 chemistry notes #viral @studyforliving

Blueprint Hindi 2023 - 2024 class 12 #viral @studyforliving