Все публикации

Knot for Rope Halter

Shoeing the Hind with a Few Tips RJF

Easy Care shoe review RJF

Shoeing 1 Foot in just over 5 minutes RJF

Shoe Spreader, GE Forge and Tool Clinchers trick. RJF

Bot Fly RJF. One reason you Deworm your Horses

Shod 27. 2Day Marathon RJF

Perfect, 20 year wire cut. RJF

Barn Rules RJF

Hoof Pick. Made by the horse. RJF

Foundered horse square shoe. RJF

Fence Staple in Horses Hoof

Quick Knot to Tie Up Your Horse RJF

Quick Easy Knot to tie up a Horse RJF

Big Rock Stuck In Horse Shoe RJF

Trimming Kicking Friesian Filly. RJF

Kicking Friesian Filly Trim RJF

My Hobble Strap RJF

Hobble Strap and Rope RJF

New Horseshoe Bender RJF

My Tool Box RJF

New Horseshoe Bender RJF

Long Mini Mule All Trimmed RJF

Learning to trim Long Mini Mule RJF